DOME 4.0 intends to offer an intelligent semantic industrial data ecosystem for knowledge creation across the entire materials to manufacturing value chains. The ecosystem provides a sustainable solution to the information silos problem related to the past efforts and puts forward a formal, ontology-based documentation for open and confidential data spaces applicable to future and current projects thereby delivering added value. Furthermore, the flexibility of the proposed semantic architecture of DOME 4.0 naturally adapts to the emerging Industry Commons developments and the scale-up of the ecosystem to large amounts of data, tools and services applicable to wider sectors of the European economy.
The unique offerings of DOME 4.0 are twofold. Primarily, to instigate wider market impact, stakeholder adoption and engagement, while aggregating a critical mass community in the DOME 4.0 ecosystem than the individual-encompassed showcases would ever achieve alone. In parallel, the DOME 4.0 exemplified, novel business models cross cutting the individual marketplaces, complemented with transparent and fair compensation schemes will augment the operations and effectiveness by adding value to the individual marketplaces, data repositories and platforms.
DOME 4.0 is designed to facilitate the industrial common use cases. An example of the usage flow of two industries and a service provider on DOME 4.0 platform is shown below:

Industry 1 visits DOME 4.0 and uploads (shares) a data set about Mechanical Properties of an alloy. A service provider on DOME 4.0, takes this data set and enhances it, e.g., by providing models that can predict materials properties using machine learning based on this data set. This results in an enhanced (enriched) data set. Industry 1 uses this improved data set to develop its own product, but shares the data in the hope it can lead to enhanced input in the future.
Industry 2 visits DOME 4.0 independently, and at an unrelated/uncorrelated time to Industry 1, and searches for data to help it design a new, mechanically enhanced allow. They find the original dataset from Industry 1, and the enriched one from Service Provider. Industry 2 downloads/links to the DOME 4.0 application programming interface (API) and utilise the Data Sets for a new product. Industry 2 produces in the process new data that enriches furthermore the applicability of the Data Set (originally uploaded by Industry 1). E.g., updates with more data points, enhanced accuracy, validates points, etc. potentially, Industry 1, and others can then use the recently enhanced data set.
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